What is Reason Rainbow?
Reason Rainbow is our family blog that enables us to practice our reasoning and critical thinking skills. I’m documenting our learning process and other interesting topics here in hopes of helping others and that others will help us to improve our reasoning competencies. Please join us in our learning process and help us along the way!
This is our blogspace. There are many like it, but this one is ours.
Our blogspace is our best friend. It is our life. We must master it as we must master our lives.
Why did you start Reason Rainbow?
My main motivation was to inspire my daughter, Maya, to become a good critical thinker. My hope is that she’ll participate in debate as a school or extra-curricular activity when she gets older. We currently have her enrolled in a classical curriculum, which does emphasize critical thinking more than the current standard public school curriculum, but I wanted to learn more myself so I could be a good mentor to her in regards to critical thinking.
Another reason was I did see some room for improvement within the realm of rhetorical analysis. I’m investigating whether data analysis will be useful in the study and creation of rhetoric. I did see some potential for improvement in the current academic rhetorical concepts such as:
- improving cohesiveness of the rhetorical framework of things
- inventing a prescriptive method in which to analyze, evaluate, and create rhetoric
This has led me to the invention of the rhetorical modeling process. This process leverages all the original concepts of rhetorical analysis and enhances it with some additional steps. The result is a process that is more comprehensive by prescribing the user steps to analyze, evaluate and create rhetoric. This model is based on Bloom’s Cognitive Domain Taxonomy.

Which is to say, this is not the creation of something brand new. The novelty is the combination of two existing frameworks to create an improved academic model for analyzing and creating rhetoric.

Reason Rainbow also gives us a good reason to learn and share about the current state of education in the United States. It’s very complicated. I want my daughter to think exceptionally so I’m also planning to use this space to use data to analyze and inform about the numerous options for education and how they trend/map to parents’ expectations. Perhaps it will lead to an optimal academic education trajectory…this is a work in progress. I really need to write some of these ideas down before I forget so I’ll do this now:
- compare U.S. public learning frameworks from State to State
- investigate current and pending education laws from State to State
- etc.
Lastly, and most obvious, I want to be Christopher Hitchens…as made evident from all my videos. He’s cool for the ages.